Tis the time of the year (the beginning?) where everyone is a resolutionist. It's when we decide that we sucked way too hard the last 365 days and something needs to happen to change that. Since I've been making the necessary steps to lose weight and since I quit smoking several years ago, I decided I'd make one simple promise to myself: finish what I've started.
Way too many projects have been left by the wayside. Far too many series have yet to be finished and I dare no mention how many video games have remained unended. And since I like making lists here it is!
1. Finish watching Doctor Who - I kinda stopped at the beginning of season 5 because one, I was pouty that David Tennant had been replaced with Matt Smith, and two, I had just received the absolute WORST beta review from the world's biggest douche bag.
2. Various and sundry books - I've been really neglecting this and it's very sad. I used to read close to 50 books a year. Now I'm lucky if I read 10. Let's split the difference and go for 25.
3. Finish Final Fantasy VII - OMG *shock and awe from the populace* Yes...I've never finished FFVII. It's ironic...I'm aware. I have seen the ending; I've just never finished it myself.
4. Finish editing The Serpent's Tale - Most important thing EVER! As much as I was uber annoyed with myself for not catching a lot of stuff the first ten times around, I'm trying to be nice to myself with this one, especially owing to something that happened near the end of last year.
This list is no exclusive and most certainly not complete. I may add to it or I may just start another blog post. Haven't decided yet, but as you all know I do what I want.
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