Be warned this is less of a review of the movie and more of me fangirling over Benedict Cumberbatcch. There are also spoilers. You have been warned.
With that being said OH MY GOD. Words cannot express what that man has done to me just by looking at him. I can't explain what is happening to my body. Benedict plays the gorgeous villain John Harrison who is actually revealed to be the infamous Khan, the pinnacle of perfection in humanity so profound that he has transcended the bonds of that mundane state to become something so much better. That pale, flawless skin, those endless green eyes, that otherwordly beauty, that insane strength, that unwavering purpose and need for vengeance against those who did him wrong ahhhh *shivers* Let it be known that everything I just stated describes every fangirl crush I have ever had. I just...can't even deal with this.
Following discussions with my husband (who is VERY understanding of all of my fictional crushes) it was determined that Khan was just bad from the beginning, which I find it difficult to accept, because true beauty and true evil just do not mesh. There is ALWAYS an excuse. Be that as it may, I believe he was utterly entitled to his wrath, but not his actions. He was created only to be used by humanity, and when they found out he was "broken," they banished him and others like him, cryogenically freezing them because they didn't want to be burdened with the responsibility of their actions. When Admiral Marcus wakes him up in order to help him develop weapons of war by using his own crew/family as hostages, Khan understandably responds in kind because he's ruthless, calculating, and doesn't give a shit about humanity. Yes, he's manipulative, but he was also manipulated...he's just far better at in than humankind, which as usual does something to further their own interests and then acts surprised when it turns on them. You reap what you sow, and if you reap in lust for power and hatred, you will sow in pain.
I don't wish this to turn into a rant about how much I hate humanity, so I will go on to say I am very happy I have a fellow fangirl to swoon over Benedict with. I've never seen anyone real so gorgeous. He does almost look alien he's that beauteous like nothing on this earth could ever be that lovely. Those eyes with their long catty corners, those insanely high cheekbones, ahhh, I'm finished. If you ever have the ill luck to be in the theater with me during Into Darkness I apologize in advance, but I'm not really sorry.
Added bonus.
How to Be a Badass Supervillain:
1. Be unbelievably gorgeous. Your beauty needs to be otherwordly and like nothing common mortals have ever seen. Your skin needs to be flawless; your features should be the epitome of perfection, and your eyes and eye color should be not of this world. Something that people will never forget; something that will make them freeze in place when you look at them. This leads into...
2. Be godlike. You can be a god, an angel, or a human plus. Something better than man (not that that's saying much). It really doesn't matter so long as you have the ability to back up...
3. Be arrogant and confident beyond anything humanely possible. Perfect the art of the intense stare. Learn how not to blink. It will confirm that you are "something else," something better than a mere human. Know that whatever comes out of your mouth will be obeyed instantly without question, because you are just that boss. Also...
4. Have a voice that will make all the pathetic commoners tremble where they stand. It should be low, baritone, and commanding of purpose. Supervillains with high squeaky voices do not go very far in the world and are generally considered laughing stocks or at best common villains. You must sound the part and look the part, therefore...
5. Obtain a long coat if you do not have one immediately. There is nothing hotter than all of the above standing in utter arrogance and self-assurance with a long coat blowing in the wind. Humanity will know that finally someone worthy has come to conquer them.
Also note that all of the above rules will also work if you want women to rip of their clothes and throw their panties at you. Supervillain and irresistible sex symbol are essentially the same thing in the world of being a fangirl.